What is a Blog Directory Good For? What is it, and should you use them

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I received some very interesting responses. I know how blog search engines work, I just wasn’t quite convinced that they were reliable, dependable and worth the time of even clicking on the link. Since I have brought a lot of blog search engine resources to you in my blog post, I wanted you to be able to read their answers as well.

Here you go:

  1. What is your name and profession?

Helen Gallagher, owner Computer Clarity, consultant & writer

  1. What are blog directories?
Blog Directory
Blog directories. Image by questioncage.com

They act like search engines, but specifically for blogs, letting users find content of interest, from pet illnesses, to favorite cafes, and technology.

  1. How do blog directories work?

Using a tagging technique, the directories prowl blogs and index words, then cataloging them based on frequency. Because blogger.com is owned by Google, its blogs show up very well in searches.

  1. Can blog directories help promote a blog?
blog directory main archive back
Using a specific blog directory limits the search just to blogs. Image bybusinessdirectoryplugin.com

Yes, it’s hard for a blog to be found without doing a web search. Using a specific blog directory limits the search just to blogs.

  1. Is it worth it to pay a fee for a blog directory?

No – the free services are ample, unless one has a strong profit motive for a blog, such as selling merchandise. And adding your blog to a directory just to increase their traffic won’t gain you targeted visitors to your site. It will only increase their traffic and ad revenue from the increased hits.

  1. What is your favorite(s) blog directory(ies)?
technorati old site
Technorati.com. Image by business2community.com

Technorati.com, blogcatalog.com

  1. Any other comments or advice on blog directories?

Blogs are easier to create and maintain, they are mostly free, and contain the same cross-section of social and public chatter as the real world does. A good blog is informative, accurate, newsy, and inviting. That’s what makes a good blog stand out.

And one more I had to add:

  1. What is your name and profession?

Larry Genkin, Publisher, Blogger & Podcaster Magazine (www.bloggerandpodcaster.com)

  1. What are blog directories?
Free High PR Blog Directories list
What are blog directories? Image by bloggersideas.com

Blog directories are websites that allow users to search the comments from millions of bloggers, often only a few seconds after it’s been written.

  1. How do blog directories work?

Very similar in functionality to standard web search engines like Google and Yahoo. User enters in the keywords that they are searching for and the directory responds with what it feels are the most relevant responses. Often responses are also sorted in order of time, with the most recent blog entries being listed at the top.

  1. Can blog directories help promote a blog?

Absolutely! This is often the #1 or #2 way new readers find a new blog. The other being links from other bloggers.

  1. Is it worth it to pay a fee for a blog directory?
Blog. Image by emergingedtech.com

Possibly. To truly answer that you need to determine what the value to you is of having increased traffic to your blog.

  1. What is your favorite(s) blog directory(ies)?

Technorati. What David Sifry has done there is fantastic.

Well, there you have it! I guess blog directories really are worth it after all.

Happy Blogging!


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