What is a Hog Roast?

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Man has been killing and eating hogs and pigs since the beginning of their existence. From the cave men with giant spears piercing through the wild boar’s body to the modern days where we hunt them down with powerful riffles. The way we cook them hasn’t changed.

pig on a spit
The way we cook them never changes – image by spittingpigcheshire.co.uk


A hog roast  is the name of an event where people get together and do just that, roast a pig. The hog is often split through its body with a long stick and then held over a fire or barbecue pit. Several hours and sometimes even all day is needed to cook the entire pig while guests at the event mingle and enjoy themselves while their barbaric meal is being cooked.

The hog is often split through its body with a long stick and then held over a fire or barbecue pit – image by monsterfoods.co.uk


Different cultures will have a traditional hog roast  for many different occasions. Some traditional families will have a hog roast instead of turkey on Thanksgiving.

Celebrating Thanksgiving with hog roast – image by pinterest.com

In Hawaii they have huge events where they’ll sometimes bury a hog in the sand and let it cook all day long. This memorial day tradition is known as a Luau. In South Florida, Cuban families will throw huge parties on Christmas Eve while roasting up a big pig to celebrate the holidays.

Look tasty, right? – image by warcherbutchers.co.uk


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