Safety at the University of Iowa


Any large, open University is going to have safety concerns, and Iowa is no exception, especially considering the size and expansiveness of it’s campus. Therefore, much like most Universities, safety is a concern to all students.

That’s why the L campaign, a grassroots UISG election campaign to bring real, meaningful change to the University of Iowa Student Government, has chosen to make it one of it’s top priorities.

University of Iowa has large campus – image by

Safety can be address, first, by working to get more blue lights on our campus, considering these give students who are walking home late at night quick access to the authorities in case of emergency.

AB BlueLight
It’s better get more blue lights on our campus – image by

Second, we can work to improve safety on the east side of campus by working to get a Campus route to cover more of it. Although the current student government is trying to get this done, we pledge to continue the idea if it’s not implemented by the time we’re in office, and to ensure that it goes as far as it needs to go. We will also work with students, through open-ended polls, to find out exactly where and when students think such a route should travel.

An example of campus route – image by

Third, we can help residents of Parklawn Residence Hall be safer. Currently, they have to walk a couple blocks from the nearest bus stop in a very poorly lit, remote area. We will work to have a bus stop right at Parklawn, and temporarily increase lighting in the surrounding area.

Parklawn Residence Hall – image by

Forth, we can work to improve education among all students. We can help students learn about services already available to them, including niteride and taxi service, which will ensure that fewer students walk home along in the latest, most dangerous hours of the night.

Students should learn about services already available to them – image by

In the end, safety continues to need attention at the University of Iowa, and in this UISG election we (“L”) will fight for improving safety for everyone.


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