What is an Automated Trading Robot?


An automated trading robot is an software application that is written with a sophisticated set of trading rules stock traders use to trade stocks or it can be a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications that incorporates in its AI Core the knowledge and experiences of expert traders.

These highly complex and difficult yo use application have been employed for years by investment and banking institutions as they were the only ones able to exploit them due to there high cost. But as technological developments have progressed over the years and as factors have comes together the cost and the ease of use has now put such application in the hands of the general public.

Trading robot helps you in stock market – image by apkpure.com

In order to use these application requires the use of an Intel/AMD based PC, an Internet Connection (Dial-Up, Broadband, DSL), and an Online Brokerage Account. Two of todays leading trading applications are Stock Assault 2.0 and FabTurbo.

Stock Assault 2.0 is an AI application that integrates in its AI Core the knowledge and experience of 25 of todays top day traders; it has been designed to be a simple point and click application that anyone can use.

image by slideshare.net

To use Stock Assault 2.0 your brokerage account must support trading on the NYSE and NASDAQ. Since Stock Assault 2.0 two main goals is predictive accuracy and easy of use, there is very little to do with the application except log into your brokerage account run the program and wait for it to finish its historical trend & current live trading analysis it then generates buy/sell recommendations for a list of stocks that it predicts will generate profits for you.

To use Stock Assault 2.0 your brokerage account must support trading on the NYSE – image by wallstreetjournal.com

Stock Assault 2.0 also incorporates many advanced features for advance trader allowing them to further increase earnings when trading stocks without the need of focusing in complicated tech stuff. The program has a successful stock picking prediction rate of 98% making it an ideal tool for trading in a volatile market like the type we are currently in.

Add to this that Stock Assault 2.0 function 40x faster than a human being and that can run all day every day, you soon realize that you have a very powerful tool that can help you easily generate profits under any stock market conditions.

It’s a powerful tool that can help you easily generate profits under any stock market conditions – image by ailephant.com

The second application FabTurbo is a FOREX Trading Robot; for those that do not know. FOREX the Foreign Currency Exchange. FabTurbo is another highly sophisticated analysis tool that implements multiple currency trading rules and like Stock Assault 2.0 does historical and current trend analysis to accurately predict when a user should buy/sell foreign currency.

Because trading foreign currencies is not the same as trading stocks, there is a learning curve involved with FabTurbo. The creators of the application have as a result created a members area shows you step-by-step how to use and gain the most from the features of the software. Once you’re fully immersed in how to use FabTurbo it’s essentially point and click currency trading.

FabTurbo is a FOREX Trading Robot – image by mtrading.com

FabTurbo like Stock Assault 2.0 also offers advance features that are only recommend for advance FOREX Traders. These advance features allow you to trade in very sophisticated ways that will really boost your earnings for every dollar invested, but as previously mentioned are for advance users.

For what these applications can do the cost is surprisingly low with Stock Assault 2.0 costing under $60 and FabTurbo going for under $150. The developers of these applications also offer more sophisticated versions of their applications which are intended for experienced traders.

FabTurbo like Stock Assault 2.0 also offers advance features that are only recommend for advance FOREX Traders

Stock Assault 2.0 advance AI application cost $200 and FabTurbo Cost under $300. Though the price is from 2x to 3x the cost of the standard application, these more advance versions allow for the customization of the application, provide access to a superset of advance features that the standard applications don’t have and is intended only for experience traders.

Therefore if you’re a newbie go with the standard application and upgrade once your knowledge has increased to the point where you can easily manipulate the advance features.


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